home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2000-01-20 | 56.4 KB | 1,811 lines |
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***
- ;*** hyperIO installation script
- ;*** ===========================
- ;***
- ;*** $VER: 1.2 (11.08.99)
- ;***
- ;*** ©1998-99 by Carsten 'michelangelo' Scholling
- ;***
- ;***
- ;***
- ;*** No changes outside of strings- and main-part!
- ;***
- ;***
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Error handling stuff
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (onerror (P_Cleanup))
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Configuration defaults
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (set #unarc 1) ;*** Unarchive (installation with archive).
- (set #prgname "hyperIO") ;*** Simply the program name.
- (set #dirname "hyperIO") ;*** Directory name to be created at first install.
- (set #devspat "hyper#?.device") ;*** Devs hyperCOM/PAR file pattern
- (set #libspat "vmcresource.library") ;*** Libs VMC file pattern
- (set #devsisdnpat "vmcisdn#?.device") ;*** If this is found, some components should not be deleted!
- (set #instarc "hyperio.lha") ;*** Installation archive name.
- (set #lhexname "lhex") ;*** Unarchiver name
- (set #lhexopts "-q -f -w=") ;*** lhex options
- (set #lhexcmd "x") ;*** lhex parameters
- (set #tempdir "ram:") ;*** Temporary directory for unarchiving
- (set #tempinstdir "VMC-hyperIO-Install") ;*** Directory which holds installation files after extraction
- (set #destdevs "Devs:") ;*** Default device installation path. Primary needed for update check.
- (set #destlibs "Libs:") ;*** Default libs installation path. Primary needed for update check.
- (set #destdocs "Sys:Utilities") ;*** Default documentation installation path.
- (set #destdocsdir "hyperIO") ;*** Default utils directory.
- (set #destutil "Sys:Utilities") ;*** Default utils installation path.
- (set #destutildir "hyperIO") ;*** Default utils directory.
- (set #destback "SYS:Storage") ;*** Default backup path.
- (set #destbackdir "hyperIO_backup") ;*** Default backup directory.
- (set #minosver 36) ;*** Minimum OS version
- (set #mincpu 0) ;*** Minimum CPU.
- (set #instchoice 0) ;*** Global installation choice (update=0, new=1, back=2, deinstall=3, break=4)
- (set #instparts %00001111) ;*** Bit mask of parts to install (0 = devs, 1 = libs, 2 = docs, 3 = utils)
- (set #instcards %01111111) ;*** Bit mask of cards to install drivers for (0 = hc1, 1 = hc3, 2 = hc3z, 3 = hc4, 4 = hc3ihc4, 5 = hc3ihc3z, 6 = hp)
- (set #instutil %00111111) ;*** Bit mask of utilities to install (0 = ncomm, 1 = ncomm-pk, 2 = hydra, 3 = porth. 4 = prtman, 5 = auxh.)
- (set #vmchc1 "hyperCOM1.device") ;***
- (set #vmchc3 "hyperCOM3.device") ;***
- (set #vmchc4 "hyperCOM4?.device") ;***
- (set #vmchc3z "hyperCOM3?Z.device") ;***
- (set #vmchp "hyperPAR.device") ;***
- (set #vmcrsc "vmcresource.library") ;***
- (set #utilncomm "ncomm306") ;***
- (set #utilncommpk "NComm306PubKey") ;***
- (set #utilhydra "hydra") ;***
- (set #utilporth "porthandler") ;***
- (set #utilprtman "prtman39") ;***
- (set #utilauxh "auxhandler") ;***
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Debugging stuff
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (set #dbg 0)
- (if (= 1 #dbg) (
- (set #unarc 0)
- ))
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Strings
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***
- ;*** German strings
- ;***
- (if (= @language "deutsch") (
- (set #readmefile "LiesMichZuerst.guide")
- (set #wronginstaller (cat "Achtung! Es ist eine alte Version des Programmes 'Installer' auf "
- "Ihrem Amiga!\n\nDie Installation benötigt mindestens Installer "
- "43.3.\n\nBitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfiguration!"))
- (set #msgmakedir "Folgendes Verzeichnis wird nun erstellt: ")
- (set #msgdelete "\nFolgende Datei wird jetzt gelöscht:\n\n")
- (set #msgcopy "\nFolgende Datei wird jetzt kopiert:\n\n")
- (set #msgcopyover1 (cat "\nEs wurde in der Quelldatei keine Versionsangabe gefunden.\nSoll diese Datei kopiert werden?\n\n"
- "Zu installierende Datei: "))
- (set #msgcopyover2 "\nBisher installierte Datei: ")
- (set #msgcopyovernofile "Bisher ist keine Datei installiert.")
- (set #msgwelcome1 (cat "\nWillkommen zur \n\n" #prgname))
- (set #msgwelcome2 " Installation.\n\n")
- (set #msgcopyright (cat "Copyright ©1992-1999 by VMC Harald Frank\n"
- "<vmc@vmc.de>\n"
- "http://www.vmc.de\n\n"
- "Installer script ©1998-99 by Carsten 'michelangelo' Scholling\n"
- "<cscholling@vmc.de>\n"
- "http://www.vmc.de/cscholling/\n\n"))
- (set #msgoldinst (cat "Ich habe eine alte " #prgname " Installation auf Ihrem System gefunden.\n"
- "Bitte wählen Sie, wie die Installation fortgesetzt werden soll.\n"))
- (set #msgoldfilesexp (cat "\n\n\nEs werden nun einige alte Dateien aus dem System entfernt.\n"
- "Sie können im folgenden das Löschen jeder Datei einzeln bestätigen.\n"))
- (set #msgoldfilesave "\n\n\nEs werden nun einige alte Dateien aus dem System entfernt.\n")
- (set #msgoldfiles2 "Bitte deselektieren Sie die Dateien/Verzeichnisse\ndie nicht gelöscht werden sollen:\n")
- (set #msgoldinstupdate "Update der alten Version")
- (set #msgoldinstnew "Komplette Neuinstallation")
- (set #msgoldinstback "Backup anlegen, anschließend neu installieren")
- (set #msgoldinstdeinst "Alte Version deinstallieren")
- (set #msgoldinstend "Programm beenden")
- (set #msgwhichparts (cat "\nWelche Komponenten sollen installiert werden?\nAlle nicht selektierten Komponenten werden,\n"
- "sofern vorhanden, automatisch deinstalliert!\n"))
- (set #msgwhichpartsdeinst "\nWelche Komponenten sollen deinstalliert werden?\n")
- (set #msgwhichdevs "Devices")
- (set #msgwhichlibs "Libraries")
- (set #msgwhichdocs "Dokumentation")
- (set #msgwhichutil "Goodies")
- (set #msgworkingbackup "\nErstelle ein Backup der alten Installation...\n")
- (set #msgworkingsearchold "\nSuche nach bereits installierten Komponenten... ;-)\n")
- (set #msgworkingprepareinst "\nBereite die Installation vor...\n")
- (set #msgworkingpreparedeinst "\nBereite die Deinstallation vor...\n")
- (set #msgworkinginst "\nArbeite an der Installation...\n")
- (set #msgworkingdeinst "\nArbeite an der Deinstallation...\n")
- (set #msgworkingcleanup "\nTemporäre Dateien werden entfernt...\n")
- (set #msguptodate (cat "Die zu installierende " #prgname " Version ist auf dem neusten Stand.\n"
- "Bitte wählen Sie, ob Sie eine Neu- oder Deinstallation wünschen, oder\n"
- "ob der Installer beendet werden soll.\n"))
- (set #msgaskdevs (cat "In welchem Verzeichnis sollen die Device-Treiber installiert werden?\n"
- "Es wird KEIN Verzeichnis erstellt!\n"))
- (set #msgaskdevsdeinst "In welchem Verzeichnis sind die Device-Treiber installiert?\n")
- (set #msgasklibs (cat "In welchem Verzeichnis sollen die Bibliotheken installiert werden?\n"
- "Es wird KEIN Verzeichnis erstellt!\n"))
- (set #msgasklibsdeinst "In welchem Verzeichnis sind die Bibliotheken installiert?\n")
- (set #msgaskdocs (cat "In welchem Verzeichnis soll die Dokumentation installiert werden?\n"
- "Es wird ein Verzeichnis " #destdocsdir " erstellt!\n"))
- (set #msgaskdocsdeinst "In welchem Verzeichnis ist die Dokumentation installiert?\n")
- (set #msgaskutil (cat "In welchem Verzeichnis sollen die Goodies installiert werden?\n"
- "Es wird ein Verzeichnis " #destutildir " erstellt!\n"))
- (set #msgaskutildeinst "In welchem Verzeichnis sind die Goodies installiert?\n")
- (set #msgaskback (cat "In welchem Verzeichnis soll das Backup angelegt werden?\n"
- "Es wird ein Verzeichnis " #destbackdir " erstellt!\n"))
- (set #msgconfirm (cat "Die folgenden Daten werden zur Installation herangezogen:\n"))
- (set #msgconfirmdeinst (cat "Die folgenden Daten werden zur Deinstallation herangezogen:\n"))
- (set #msgconfirmcpu "\nProzessor: ")
- (set #msgconfirmfpu "\nFPU: ")
- (set #msgconfirmos "\nBetriebssystem: ")
- (set #msgconfirmdevsdest "\nDevices: ")
- (set #msgconfirmlibsdest "\nLibraries: ")
- (set #msgconfirmdocsdest "\nDokumentation: ")
- (set #msgconfirmutildest "\nGoodies: ")
- (set #msgconfirmbackdest "\nBackup: ")
- (set #msgconfirmask "\n\nSoll ich mit diesen Einstellungen fortfahren?")
- (set #msgdelrsclib (cat "\nAuf Ihrem System wurde eine VMC-ISDN Installation\n"
- "gefunden welche auch die " #vmcrsc " benötigt.\n"
- "Soll sie trotzdem gelöscht werden?\n"))
- (set #msgcardinst "Bitte wählen Sie aus, welche Karten in\nIhrem System installiert sind.\n(Hilfe beachten!)")
- (set #msgvmchc1d "HyperCOM 1 Uhrenport-Karte")
- (set #msgvmchc3d "HyperCOM 3/3+ Uhrenport-Karte")
- (set #msgvmchc3z "HyperCOM 3z/3+ Zorro-Karte")
- (set #msgvmchc4d "HyperCOM 4/4+ Zorro-Karte")
- (set #msgvmchc3ihc4d "HyperCOM 3i installiert auf HyperCOM 4")
- (set #msgvmchc3ihc3zd "HyperCOM 3i installiert auf HyperCOM 3z")
- (set #msgvmchpd "hyperPAR.device für alle Karten")
- (set #msgcardinsthelp (cat "!!! NEU !!!\n\n"
- "Eine HyperCOM3i welche auf einer HyperCOM4 montiert ist wird über das "
- "hyperCOM4X.device auf Unit 4 und Unit 5 angesprochen.\n\n"
- "Eine HyperCOM3i welche auf einer HyperCOM3z montiert ist wird über das "
- "hyperCOM3Xz.device auf Unit 2 und Unit 3 angesprochen.\n\n"
- "Alle parallelen Schnittstellen auf den HyperCOM-Karten werden grundsätzlich "
- "über das hyperPAR.device angesteuert.\n\nDie LPT-Schnittstelle einer HyperCOM3 "
- "im A1200 liegt immer auf Unit 0.\n"))
- (set #msgutilinst "Bitte wählen Sie aus, welche der Goodie-Archive Sie kopieren möchten")
- (set #msgutilncommd "NComm V3.06 - Terminalprogramm")
- (set #msgutilncommpkd "Freies Keyfile für NComm")
- (set #msgutilhydrad "Hydra V1.0r9 - Bidirektionales Transferprotokoll")
- (set #msgutilporthd "PortHandler V41 - Ersatz für original PortHandler")
- (set #msgutilprtmand "PrintManager V39 - Drucker Spooler")
- (set #msgutilauxhd "Aux-Handler V2 - Ermöglicht Remote-Login")
- (set #msgutilinsthelp (cat "Achtung!\n\n"
- "Die beigelegten Archive werden NICHT installiert sondern nur in das gewählte "
- "Zielverzeichnis kopiert. Mit anderen Worten: Selbst ist die Frau/der Mann. "))
- (set #msgendinst (cat "\n" #prgname " Installation beendet!\nDie installierten Dateien finden Sie in "
- "den folgenden Verzeichnissen:\n"))
- (set #msgenddeinst (cat "\n" #prgname " Deinstallation beendet!\n\n"))
- (set #msgend2 (cat "\n" #prgname " Programm durch Benutzer beendet!\n\n"))
- (set #msgshowreadme (cat "\nSoll jetzt die Datei " #readmefile " angezeigt werden?\n"))
- (set #msgreboot "\nDer Rechner MUß nach dieser Installation neu gestartet\nwerden. Soll das jetzt geschehen?\n")
- (set #msgrebootyes "Reboot")
- (set #msgrebootno "KEIN Reboot")
- )
- ;***
- ;*** English strings
- ;***
- (
- (set #readmefile "ReadMeFirst.guide")
- (set #wronginstaller (cat "Attention! I've found an old version of the programm 'Installer' on "
- "your Amiga!\n\nThe installation needs at least Installer version "
- "43.3.\n\nPlease check your configuration!"))
- (set #msgmakedir "The following directory will be created now: ")
- (set #msgdelete "\nThe following file will be deleted now:\n\n")
- (set #msgcopy "\nThe following file will be copied now:\n\n")
- (set #msgcopyover1 (cat "\nI've found no version information in the source file.\nShould i copy this file?\n\n"
- "Sourcefile: "))
- (set #msgcopyover2 "\nDestination file: ")
- (set #msgcopyovernofile "No file installed now.")
- (set #msgwelcome1 (cat "\nWelcome to the\n\n" #prgname))
- (set #msgwelcome2 " installation.\n\n")
- (set #msgcopyright (cat "Copyright ©1992-1999 by VMC Harald Frank\n"
- "<vmc@vmc.de>\n"
- "http://www.vmc.de\n\n"
- "Installer script ©1998-99 by Carsten 'michelangelo' Scholling\n"
- "<cscholling@vmc.de>\n"
- "http://www.vmc.de/cscholling/\n\n"))
- (set #msgoldinst (cat "I have found an old " #prgname " installation on your system.\n"
- "Please choose, how to continue the installation.\n"))
- (set #msgoldfilesexp (cat "\n\n\nI am now deleting some old files from your system.\n"
- "You can confirm the action for each file and directory.\n"))
- (set #msgoldfilesave "\n\n\nI am now deleting some old files from your system.\n")
- (set #msgoldfiles2 "Please deselect all files/dirs,\nthat should not to be deleted:\n")
- (set #msgoldinstupdate "Update old version")
- (set #msgoldinstnew "Complete new installation")
- (set #msgoldinstback "Backup and install new")
- (set #msgoldinstdeinst "Remove installation")
- (set #msgoldinstend "Abort installation")
- (set #msgwhichparts (cat "\nWhich components should be installed?\nAll unselected components will be \n"
- "automatically deinstalled!\n"))
- (set #msgwhichpartsdeinst "\nWhich components should be deinstalled?\n")
- (set #msgwhichdevs "Devices")
- (set #msgwhichlibs "Libraries")
- (set #msgwhichdocs "Documentation")
- (set #msgwhichutil "Goodies")
- (set #msgworkingbackup "\nCreate backup of the old installation...\n")
- (set #msgworkingsearchold "\nSearching for installed components... ;-)\n")
- (set #msgworkingprepareinst "\nPreparing installation...\n")
- (set #msgworkingpreparedeinst "\nPreparing deinstallation...\n")
- (set #msgworkinginst "\nWorking on installation...\n")
- (set #msgworkingdeinst "\nWorking on deinstallation...\n")
- (set #msguptodate (cat "The installed version of " #prgname " is up to date.\n"
- "Please choose if you want a complete new installation, \n"
- "deinstallation or quitting.\n"))
- (set #msgaskdevs (cat "Where should i install the devices?\n"
- "No directory will be created!\n"))
- (set #msgaskdevsdeinst "In which directory the devices are installed?\n")
- (set #msgasklibs (cat "Where should i install the librarys?\n"
- "No directory will be created!\n"))
- (set #msgasklibsdeinst "In which directory the librarys are installed?\n")
- (set #msgaskdocs (cat "Where should i install the doc files?\n"
- "The " #destdocsdir " directory will be created!\n"))
- (set #msgaskdocsdeinst "In which directory the doc files are installed?\n")
- (set #msgaskutil (cat "Where should i copy the goodies?\n"
- "The " #destutildir " directory will be created!\n"))
- (set #msgaskutildeinst "In which directory the goodies are installed?\n")
- (set #msgaskback (cat "Where should i copy the backup files?\n"
- "The " #destbackdir " directory will be created!\n"))
- (set #msgconfirm (cat "The following information will be used for installation:\n"))
- (set #msgconfirmdeinst (cat "The following information will be used for deinstallation:\n"))
- (set #msgconfirmcpu "\nCPU: ")
- (set #msgconfirmfpu "\nFPU: ")
- (set #msgconfirmos "\nOS type: ")
- (set #msgconfirmdevsdest "\nDevices: ")
- (set #msgconfirmlibsdest "\nLibraries: ")
- (set #msgconfirmdocsdest "\nDocumentation: ")
- (set #msgconfirmutildest "\nGoodies: ")
- (set #msgconfirmbackdest "\nBackup: ")
- (set #msgconfirmask "\n\nShould i use this settings?")
- (set #msgdelrsclib (cat "\nA VMC-ISDN installation which also uses the " #vmcrsc
- "was found on your system.\n"
- "Should i delete it?\n"))
- (set #msgcardinst "Please choose the cards, that are installed in your Amiga.\n(See Help!)")
- (set #msgvmchc1d "HyperCOM 1/PortJnr card")
- (set #msgvmchc3d "HyperCOM 3/3+/PortPlus card")
- (set #msgvmchc3z "HyperCOM 3z/3+ Zorro card")
- (set #msgvmchc4d "HyperCOM 4/4+ Zorro card")
- (set #msgvmchc3ihc4d "HyperCOM3i plugin on HyperCOM4")
- (set #msgvmchc3ihc3zd "HyperCOM3i plugin on HyperCOM3z")
- (set #msgvmchpd "hyperPAR.device for all HyperCOM's")
- (set #msgcardinsthelp (cat "!!! NEW !!!\n\n"
- "A HyperCOM3i which is installed on a HyperCOM4 card will be used with "
- "hyperCOM4X.device on units 4 and 5.\n\n"
- "A HyperCOM3i which is installed on a HyperCOM3z card will be used with "
- "hyperCOM3Xz.device on units 2 and 3.\n\n"
- "All parallel interfaces on HyperCOM cards will be used through hyperPAR.device.\n\n"
- "The LPT-interface on a HyperCOM3 in A1200 is allways unit 0.\n"))
- (set #msgutilinst "Please choose which parts of the goodies you want to copy")
- (set #msgutilncommd "NComm V3.06 - Terminalsoftware")
- (set #msgutilncommpkd "Free & Public Keyfile for NComm")
- (set #msgutilhydrad "Hydra V1.0r9 - Bidirectional transfer protokoll")
- (set #msgutilporthd "PortHandler V41 - Replacement for the old one")
- (set #msgutilprtmand "PrintManager V39 - Printer spooler")
- (set #msgutilauxhd "Aux-Handler V2 - Shell over serial remote-login")
- (set #msgutilinsthelp (cat "Attention!\n\n"
- "The included goodies will NOT be installed, but only copied "
- "to the selected destination dir. Goodie-installation is -> do it yourself. "))
- (set #msgendinst (cat "\n" #prgname " Installation done!\nYou will find the installed files in the "
- "following directories:\n"))
- (set #msgenddeinst (cat "\n" #prgname " Deinstallation done!\n\n"))
- (set #msgend2 (cat "\n" #prgname " Installation aborted by user!\n\n"))
- (set #msgshowreadme (cat "\nDo you want to read the " #readmefile " now?\n"))
- (set #msgreboot "\nYou MUST reboot after this installation to use\nthe new drivers. Should i reboot now?\n")
- (set #msgrebootyes "Reboot")
- (set #msgrebootno "NO reboot")
- ))
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***
- ;***
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***
- ;*** Standard procedures
- ;***
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CheckOS
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CheckOS
- (set os (/ (getversion "libs:version.library") 65536))
- (if (= os 37) (set osname "2.0"))
- (if (= os 38) (set osname "2.1"))
- (if (= os 39) (set osname "3.0"))
- (if (= os 40) (set osname "3.1"))
- (if (= os 44) (set osname "3.5"))
- (if (> os 44) (set osname "3.5+ (not known)"))
- (if (>= os minosver)
- (set ret 1)
- (set ret 0)
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CheckCPU
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CheckCPU
- (set cpuname (database "cpu"))
- (set fpuname (database "fpu"))
- (if (= cpuname "68000") (set cpu 0))
- (if (= cpuname "68010") (set cpu 1))
- (if (= cpuname "68020") (set cpu 2))
- (if (= cpuname "68030") (set cpu 3))
- (if (= cpuname "68040") ((set cpu 4) (set fpuname "FPU040")))
- (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/68060.library")) 0) (
- (set cpuname "68060")
- (set cpu 6)
- ))
- (if (= fpuname "NOFPU") (set fpu 0))
- (if (= fpuname "68881") (set fpu 1))
- (if (= fpuname "68882") (set fpu 2))
- (if (= fpuname "FPU40") (set fpu 4))
- (if (= fpuname "FPU040") (set fpu 4))
- (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/68060.library")) 0) (
- (set fpuname "FPU060")
- ))
- (if (>= cpu mincpu)
- (set ret 1)
- (set ret 0)
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure GetVersion <file>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_GetVersion p_file
- (set ver (shiftright (BITAND (getversion p_file) $ffff0000) 16))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure GetRevision <file>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_GetRevision p_file
- (set rev (BITAND (getversion p_file) $ffff))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure GetFullVersion <file>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_GetFullVersion p_file
- (set vers (cat (P_GetVersion p_file ) "." (P_GetRevision p_file )))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CheckExists <file>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CheckExists p_file
- (set ret (exists p_file (noreq)))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CheckExistsPat <path> <pattern>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CheckExistsPat p_path p_pat
- (set patexists 0)
- (if (P_CheckExists p_path) (
- (run (cat "list >t:csinstcheckpat.temp " p_path " pat " p_pat " lformat \"%n\""))
- (if (> (getsize "t:csinstcheckpat.temp") 0) (set patexists 1))
- (delete "t:csinstcheckpat.temp")
- ))
- (set patexists patexists)
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure Rename <file> <newname>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_Rename p_file p_new p_conf
- (rename p_file p_new
- (prompt (cat #msgrename1 p_file #msgrename2 p_new))
- (help (cat #msgrename1 p_file #msgrename2 p_new))
- (confirm "expert")
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure MakeDir <path> <name> <NOICONS>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_MakeDir p_path p_noicons
- (if (<> 2 (P_CheckExists p_path)) (
- (if (<> p_noicons "noicons")
- (makedir p_path
- (prompt #msgmakedir p_path)
- (help #msgmakedir p_path "\n\n" @makedir-help)
- (confirm "expert")
- (infos)
- )
- (makedir p_path
- (prompt #msgmakedir p_path)
- (help #msgmakedir p_path "\n\n" @makedir-help)
- (confirm "expert")
- )
- )
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure Delete <file> <NOICONS> <NOREQ>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_Delete p_file p_noicons p_noreq
- (if (= p_noreq "noreq")
- (if (= p_noicons "noicons")
- (delete p_file
- (optional "force" "askuser")
- (all)
- )
- (delete p_file
- (optional "force" "askuser")
- (infos)
- (all)
- )
- )
- (if (= p_noicons "noicons")
- (delete p_file
- (prompt (cat #msgdelete p_file))
- (help (cat #msgdelete p_file))
- (optional "force" "askuser")
- (all)
- (confirm "expert")
- )
- (delete p_file
- (prompt (cat #msgdelete p_file))
- (help (cat #msgdelete p_file))
- (optional "force" "askuser")
- (infos)
- (all)
- (confirm "expert")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure SelectDir <default dest> <text> <helptext>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_SelectDir p_dest p_text p_help
- ;*** Ask the user for any directory.
- ;***
- (set p_dest
- (askdir
- (prompt p_text)
- (help (cat p_help "\n\n" @askdir-help))
- (default p_dest)
- )
- )
- (set p_dest p_dest)
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CopyNewer <source dir> <pattern> <dest dir>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CopyNewer p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir
- (debug (cat "CopyNewer " p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir))
- ;*** Compare the version/size
- ;***
- (foreach p_srcdir p_pat (
- (debug @each-name)
- (set res 1)
- ;*** Recursively call.
- ;***
- (if (= 2 (P_CheckExists (tackon p_srcdir @each-name)))
- (
- (P_MakeDir (tackon p_destdir @each-name) "icons")
- (set savesrc p_srcdir)
- (set savepat p_pat)
- (set savedest p_destdir)
- (P_CopyNewer (tackon p_srcdir @each-name) p_pat (tackon p_destdir @each-name))
- (set p_srcdir savesrc)
- (set p_pat savepat)
- (set p_destdir savedest)
- )
- (
- ;*** Get the two version numbers.
- ;***
- (if (= 0 (getversion (tackon p_srcdir @each-name)))
- (
- (set srcvers (cat " (" (/ (getsize (tackon p_srcdir @each-name)) 1024) "kB)"))
- (if ((P_CheckExists (tackon p_destdir @each-name)))
- (
- (set destname @each-name)
- (set msgcopyover2 #msgcopyover2)
- (if (= 0 (getversion (tackon p_destdir @each-name)))
- (set destvers (cat " (" (/ (getsize (tackon p_destdir @each-name)) 1024) "kB)"))
- (set destvers (cat (P_GetFullVersion (tackon p_destdir @each-name)) " (" (/ (getsize (tackon p_destdir @each-name)) 1024) "kB)"))
- )
- )
- (
- (set destname #msgcopyovernofile)
- (set destvers "")
- (set msgcopyover2 "\n")
- ))
- (set res 1)
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (set res (askbool
- (prompt (cat #msgcopyover1 @each-name " " srcvers msgcopyover2 destname " " destvers))
- (help (cat #msgcopyover1 @each-name " " srcvers msgcopyover2 destname " " destvers))
- (default 1)
- ))
- )
- (if (= 1 res) (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #msgcopy)
- (help #msgcopy @copyfiles-help)
- (source p_srcdir)
- (dest p_destdir)
- (pattern @each-name)
- (infos)
- )
- ))
- )
- (
- (copylib
- (prompt (cat #msgcopy @each-name))
- (help (cat #msgcopy @each-name "\n\n" @copylib-help))
- (source (tackon p_srcdir @each-name))
- (dest p_destdir)
- (confirm "expert")
- (infos)
- )
- ))
- ))
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CopyNewerExists
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CopyNewerExists p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat p_destdir p_pat) (P_CopyNewer p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CopyNewer <source dir> <pattern> <dest dir>
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CopyNewer p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir
- ;*** Compare the version/size
- ;***
- (foreach p_srcdir p_pat (
- (set res 1)
- ;*** Recursively call.
- ;***
- (if (= 2 (P_CheckExists (tackon p_srcdir @each-name)))
- (
- (P_MakeDir (tackon p_destdir @each-name) "icons")
- (set savesrc p_srcdir)
- (set savepat p_pat)
- (set savedest p_destdir)
- (P_CopyNewer (tackon p_srcdir @each-name) p_pat (tackon p_destdir @each-name))
- (set p_srcdir savesrc)
- (set p_pat savepat)
- (set p_destdir savedest)
- )
- (
- ;*** Get the two version numbers.
- ;***
- (if (= 0 (getversion (tackon p_srcdir @each-name)))
- (
- (set srcvers (cat " (" (/ (getsize (tackon p_srcdir @each-name)) 1024) "kB)"))
- (if ((P_CheckExists (tackon p_destdir @each-name)))
- (
- (set destname @each-name)
- (set msgcopyover2 #msgcopyover2)
- (if (= 0 (getversion (tackon p_destdir @each-name)))
- (set destvers (cat " (" (/ (getsize (tackon p_destdir @each-name)) 1024) "kB)"))
- (set destvers (cat (P_GetFullVersion (tackon p_destdir @each-name)) " (" (/ (getsize (tackon p_destdir @each-name)) 1024) "kB)"))
- )
- )
- (
- (set destname #msgcopyovernofile)
- (set destvers "")
- (set msgcopyover2 "\n")
- ))
- (set res (askbool
- (prompt (cat #msgcopyover1 @each-name " " srcvers msgcopyover2 destname " " destvers))
- (help (cat #msgcopyover1 @each-name " " srcvers msgcopyover2 destname " " destvers))
- (default 1)
- ))
- (if (= 1 res) (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #msgcopy)
- (help (cat #msgcopy @copyfiles-help))
- (source p_srcdir)
- (dest p_destdir)
- (pattern @each-name)
- (infos)
- )
- ))
- )
- (
- (copylib
- (prompt (cat #msgcopy @each-name))
- (help (cat #msgcopy @each-name "\n\n" @copylib-help))
- (source (tackon p_srcdir @each-name))
- (dest p_destdir)
- (confirm "expert")
- (infos)
- )
- ))
- ))
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CopyNewerExists
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CopyNewerExists p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat p_destdir p_pat) (P_CopyNewer p_srcdir p_pat p_destdir))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PreInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PreInstall
- (set @default-dest (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure Welcome
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_About p_update
- ; (set date (getenv (tackon (pathonly @icon) "hyperIOVersion")))
- ; (set ver (/ vers 65536))
- ; (set rev (- vers (* ver 65536)))
- ; (set version (cat ver "." rev))
- ; (message (cat #msgwelcome1 " " version #msgwelcome2 #msgcopyright))
- (message (cat #msgwelcome1 #msgwelcome2 #msgcopyright))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure CheckOldInst
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_CheckOldInst
- (set ret 1)
- (working #msgworkingsearchold)
- ;*** Check for a version file in devs:
- ;***
- (if (= 0 (P_CheckExists (tackon #destdevs "hyperIOVersion")))
- (
- (set patcnt 0)
- ;*** Search for devices and libs (resource lib does not bother if isdn installed)
- ;***
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat #destdevs #devspat) (set patcnt (+ 1 patcnt)))
- (if (AND (P_CheckExistsPat #destlibs #libspat) (= 0 (P_CheckExistsPat #destdevs #devsisdnpat))) (set patcnt (+ 1 patcnt)))
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "(Documentaion|Dokumentation)") (set patcnt (+ 1 patcnt)))
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies") (set patcnt (+ 1 patcnt)))
- ;*** Found some very old files
- ;***
- (if (> patcnt 0)
- (
- (set ret 2)
- ;*** Let the user select what to do (update, install new).
- ;***
- (set #instchoice
- (askchoice
- (prompt #msgoldinst)
- (help (cat #msgoldinst "\n\n" @askchoice-help))
- (choices #msgoldinstnew #msgoldinstback #msgoldinstdeinst #msgoldinstend)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- ;*** Add 1 to the choice (If very old, no update possible!)
- ;***
- (set #instchoice (+ 1 #instchoice))
- )
- (
- ;*** No previous installation found! Install new.
- ;***
- (set #instchoice 1)
- (set ret 3)
- ))
- )
- (
- ;*** Else, we look for the version number
- ;*** coded as version=high-byte and revision=low-byte.
- ;***
- (set oldvers (getenv (tackon #destdevs "hyperIOVersion")))
- (set newvers (getenv (tackon (pathonly @icon) "hyperIOVersion")))
- (if (< oldvers newvers) (
- ;*** Let the user select what to do (update, install new).
- (set #instchoice
- (askchoice
- (prompt #msgoldinst)
- (help #msgoldinst "\n\n" @askchoice-help)
- (choices #msgoldinstupdate #msgoldinstnew #msgoldinstback #msgoldinstdeinst #msgoldinstend)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (set ret 1)
- ;*** All files up to date. May the user want to deinstall the files...
- (set choice
- (askchoice
- (prompt #msguptodate)
- (help (cat #msguptodate "\n\n" @askchoice-help))
- (choices #msgoldinstnew #msgoldinstdeinst #msgoldinstend)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= 0 choice)
- (set #instchoice 1)
- (if (= 1 choice)
- (set #instchoice 3)
- (if (= 2 choice)
- (set #instchoice 4)
- )
- )
- )
- ))
- ))
- ;*** We have to cancel (end) the installation script
- ;***
- (if (= 4 #instchoice) (set ret 0))
- (set ret ret)
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PrepareInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PrepareInstall
- ;*** Only ask, if not deinstallation.
- ;***
- (if (<> 3 #instchoice)
- (
- ;*** Let the user select which parts of the software should be installed
- ;***
- (set #instparts
- (askoptions
- (prompt #msgwhichparts)
- (help (cat #msgwhichparts "\n\n" @askchoice-help))
- (choices #msgwhichdevs #msgwhichlibs #msgwhichdocs #msgwhichutil)
- (default #instparts)
- )
- )
- ;*** Let the user (ALL USERS) select which cards are installed.
- ;***
- (set tempuser @user-level)
- (user 2)
- (if (IN #instparts 0)
- (set #instcards
- (askoptions
- (prompt #msgcardinst)
- (help (cat #msgcardinsthelp "\n\n" @askoptions-help))
- (choices #msgvmchc1d #msgvmchc3d #msgvmchc3z #msgvmchc4d #msgvmchc3ihc4d #msgvmchc3ihc3zd #msgvmchpd)
- (default #instcards)
- )
- )
- (set #instcards 0)
- )
- (user tempuser)
- ;*** Let the user select which utils should be installed (if NO update)
- ;***
- (if (<> 0 #instchoice) (
- (if (IN #instparts 3)
- (set #instutil
- (askoptions
- (prompt #msgutilinst)
- (help (cat #msgutilinsthelp "\n\n" @askoptions-help))
- (choices #msgutilncommd #msgutilncommpkd #msgutilhydrad #msgutilporthd #msgutilprtmand #msgutilauxhd)
- (default #instutil)
- )
- )
- (set #instutil 0)
- )
- ))
- ;*** Ask for the destination dirs depending on selected parts
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (set #destdevs (P_SelectDir #destdevs #msgaskdevs #msgaskdevs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (set #destlibs (P_SelectDir #destlibs #msgasklibs #msgasklibs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (set #destdocs (P_SelectDir #destdocs #msgaskdocs #msgaskdocs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (set #destutil (P_SelectDir #destutil #msgaskutil #msgaskutil)))
- ;*** Let the user select a backup dir if backup selected
- ;***
- (if (= 2 #instchoice) (set #destback (P_SelectDir #destback #msgaskback #msgaskback)))
- )
- (
- ;*** Let the user select which parts of the software should be de-installed
- ;***
- (set #instparts
- (askoptions
- (prompt #msgwhichpartsdeinst)
- (help (cat #msgwhichpartsdeinst "\n\n" @askchoice-help))
- (choices #msgwhichdevs #msgwhichlibs #msgwhichdocs #msgwhichutil)
- (default #instparts)
- )
- )
- (if (= 0 (P_CheckExistsPat #destdevs #devspat)) (
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (set #destdevs (P_SelectDir #destdevs #msgaskdevsdeinst #msgaskdevsdeinst)))
- ))
- (if (= 0 (P_CheckExistsPat #destlibs (cat "~(" #vmcrsc "|~(" #libspat "))"))) (
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (set #destlibs (P_SelectDir #destlibs #msgasklibsdeinst #msgasklibsdeinst)))
- ))
- (if (= 0 (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "(Documentaion|Dokumentation)")) (
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (set #destdocs (P_SelectDir #destdocs #msgaskdocsdeinst #msgaskdocsdeinst)))
- ))
- (if (= 0 (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")) (
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (set #destutil (P_SelectDir #destutil #msgaskutildeinst #msgaskutildeinst)))
- ))
- )
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure AskConfirmation
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_AskConfirmation
- (set msgconfirm2 "")
- (if (<> 3 #instchoice)
- (
- (set msgconfirm1 (cat #msgconfirm
- #msgconfirmcpu cpuname
- #msgconfirmfpu fpuname
- #msgconfirmos osname
- ))
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (set msgconfirm2 (cat msgconfirm2 #msgconfirmdevsdest #destdevs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (set msgconfirm2 (cat msgconfirm2 #msgconfirmlibsdest #destlibs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (set msgconfirm2 (cat msgconfirm2 #msgconfirmdocsdest (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))))
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (set msgconfirm2 (cat msgconfirm2 #msgconfirmutildest (tackon #destutil #destutildir))))
- )
- (
- (set msgconfirm1 #msgconfirmdeinst)
- (set msgconfirm2 (cat #msgconfirmdevsdest #destdevs
- #msgconfirmlibsdest #destlibs
- #msgconfirmdocsdest (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir)
- #msgconfirmutildest (tackon #destutil #destutildir)))
- ))
- (if (= 2 #instchoice)
- (set msgconfirm3 (cat #msgconfirmbackdest (tackon #destback #destbackdir)))
- )
- (set msgconfirm (cat msgconfirm1 msgconfirm2 msgconfirm3 #msgconfirmask))
- ;*** All right?
- (set choice
- (askbool
- (prompt msgconfirm)
- (help msgconfirm)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))
- (set choice choice)
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure SetupInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_SetupInstall
- (if (<> 3 #instchoice) (working #msgworkingprepareinst) (working #msgworkingpreparedeinst))
- (if (= 0 #instchoice) (
- (P_PreUpdate)
- ))
- (if (= 1 #instchoice) (
- (P_PreDeInstall)
- (P_PreNewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 2 #instchoice) (
- (P_PreNewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 3 #instchoice) (
- (P_PreDeInstall)
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure DoInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_DoInstall
- (if (<> 3 #instchoice) (working #msgworkinginst) (working #msgworkingdeinst))
- (if (= 0 #instchoice) (
- (P_DoUpdate)
- ))
- (if (= 1 #instchoice) (
- (P_DeInstall)
- (P_NewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 2 #instchoice) (
- (P_Backup)
- (P_NewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 3 #instchoice) (
- (P_DeInstall)
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PreUpdate
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PreUpdate
- ;*** Define the source/dest dirs
- ;***
- (set srcdir (pathonly @icon))
- (if (= 1 #unarc) (run (cat "\"" (tackon srcdir #lhexname) "\" " #lhexopts #tempdir " " #lhexcmd " \"" (tackon srcdir #instarc) "\"") (safe)))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure DoUpdate
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_DoUpdate
- ;*** Define the source dirs
- ;***
- (set srcdir (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir))
- (set srcdirdevs (tackon srcdir "devs"))
- (set srcdirlibs (tackon srcdir "libs"))
- (set srcdirdocs (tackon srcdir "docs"))
- (set srcdirutil (tackon srcdir "goodies"))
- ;*** Now copy the files always needed
- ;***
- ;*** Copy the selected drivers.
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (
- (set copycard 0)
- (set copiedcards 0)
- (set instcards #instcards)
- (if (AND (IN instcards 2) (IN instcards 5)) (set instcards (- instcards 32)))
- (if (AND (IN instcards 3) (IN instcards 4)) (set instcards (- instcards 16)))
- (while (< copycard 7) (
- (if (IN instcards copycard) (
- (if (= copycard 0) (set cardpat #vmchc1))
- (if (= copycard 1) (set cardpat #vmchc3))
- (if (OR (= copycard 2) (= copycard 5)) (set cardpat #vmchc3z))
- (if (OR (= copycard 3) (= copycard 4)) (set cardpat #vmchc4))
- (if (= copycard 6) (set cardpat #vmchp))
- (if (NOT (IN copiedcards copycard)) (
- (set copiedcards (BITOR copiedcards (shiftleft 1 copycard)))
- (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirdevs cardpat #destdevs)
- ))
- ))
- (set copycard (+ 1 copycard))
- ))
- ))
- ;*** resource library
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirlibs #vmcrsc #destlibs))
- ;*** documentation
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (
- (P_MakeDir (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "icons")
- (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirdocs "~(#?.info)" (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))
- ))
- ;*** Goodies
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (
- (P_MakeDir (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "icons")
- (P_MakeDir (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies") "icons")
- (if (IN #instutil 0) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirutil (cat #utilncomm "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 1) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirutil (cat #utilncommpk "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 2) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirutil (cat #utilhydra "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 3) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirutil (cat #utilporth "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 4) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirutil (cat #utilprtman "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 5) (P_CopyNewerExists srcdirutil (cat #utilauxh "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- ))
- ;*** Version ID file
- ;***
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "hyperIOVersion"))
- (dest #destdevs)
- (nogauge)
- (files)
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PostUpdate
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PostUpdate
- (if (= 1 #unarc) (
- (delete (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir) (all) (safe))
- (delete (cat (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir) ".info") (safe))
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PreNewInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PreNewInstall
- ;*** Define the source/dest dirs
- ;***
- (set srcdir (pathonly @icon))
- (if (= 1 #unarc) (run (cat "\"" (tackon srcdir #lhexname) "\" " #lhexopts #tempdir " " #lhexcmd " \"" (tackon srcdir #instarc) "\"") (safe)))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure NewInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_NewInstall
- ;*** Define the source dirs
- ;***
- (set srcdir (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir))
- (set srcdirdevs (tackon srcdir "devs"))
- (set srcdirlibs (tackon srcdir "libs"))
- (set srcdirdocs (tackon srcdir "docs"))
- (set srcdirutil (tackon srcdir "goodies"))
- ;*** Now copy the files always needed
- ;***
- ;*** Copy the selected drivers.
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (
- (set copycard 0)
- (set copiedcards 0)
- (set instcards #instcards)
- (while (< copycard 7) (
- (if (IN instcards copycard) (
- (if (= copycard 0) (set cardpat #vmchc1))
- (if (= copycard 1) (set cardpat #vmchc3))
- (if (OR (= copycard 2) (= copycard 5)) (set cardpat #vmchc3z))
- (if (OR (= copycard 3) (= copycard 4)) (set cardpat #vmchc4))
- (if (= copycard 6) (set cardpat #vmchp))
- (if (NOT (IN copiedcards copycard)) (
- (set copiedcards (BITOR copiedcards (shiftleft 1 copycard)))
- (P_CopyNewer srcdirdevs cardpat #destdevs)
- ))
- ))
- (set copycard (+ 1 copycard))
- ))
- ))
- ;*** resource library
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (P_CopyNewer srcdirlibs #vmcrsc #destlibs))
- ;*** documentation
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (
- (P_MakeDir (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "icons")
- (P_CopyNewer srcdirdocs "~(#?.info)" (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))
- ))
- ;*** Goodies
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (
- (P_MakeDir (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "icons")
- (P_MakeDir (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies") "icons")
- (if (IN #instutil 0) (P_CopyNewer srcdirutil (cat #utilncomm "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 1) (P_CopyNewer srcdirutil (cat #utilncommpk "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 2) (P_CopyNewer srcdirutil (cat #utilhydra "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 3) (P_CopyNewer srcdirutil (cat #utilporth "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 4) (P_CopyNewer srcdirutil (cat #utilprtman "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- (if (IN #instutil 5) (P_CopyNewer srcdirutil (cat #utilauxh "#?") (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies")))
- ))
- ;*** Version ID file
- ;***
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "hyperIOVersion"))
- (dest #destdevs)
- (nogauge)
- (files)
- )
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PostNewInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PostNewInstall
- (if (= 1 #unarc) (
- (delete (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir) (all) (safe))
- (delete (cat (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir) ".info") (safe))
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure Backup
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_Backup
- (working #msgworkingbackup)
- ;*** Create all needed dirs
- ;***
- (P_MakeDir #destback "icons")
- (P_MakeDir (tackon #destback #destbackdir) "icons")
- ;*** Backup version information file
- ;***
- (if (P_CheckExists (tackon #destdevs "hyperIOVersion")) (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #destdevs "hyperIOVersion"))
- (dest (tackon #destback #destbackdir))
- (nogauge)
- (files)
- )
- (P_Delete (tackon #destdevs "hyperIOVersion") "noicons" "noreq")
- ))
- ;*** Backup Devs drawer
- ;***
- (foreach #destdevs #devspat (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #destdevs @each-name))
- (dest (tackon (tackon #destback #destbackdir) "devs"))
- (nogauge)
- (files)
- )
- (P_Delete (tackon #destdevs @each-name) "icons" "req")
- ))
- ;*** Backup Libs drawer
- ;***
- (foreach #destlibs #libspat (
- (copylib
- (source (tackon #destlibs @each-name))
- (dest (tackon (tackon #destback #destbackdir) "libs"))
- (nogauge)
- )
- ;*** Don't delete any library if isdn installed!
- ;***
- (if (= 0 (P_CheckExistsPat #destdevs #devsisdnpat)) (P_Delete (tackon #destlibs @each-name) "icons" "req"))
- ))
- ;*** Backup documentation
- ;***
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "Documentation") (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))
- (dest (tackon #destback #destbackdir))
- (pattern "Documentation")
- (nogauge)
- (infos)
- )
- (P_Delete (tackon (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "Documentation") "icons" "req")
- ))
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "Dokumentation") (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))
- (dest (tackon #destback #destbackdir))
- (pattern "Dokumentation")
- (nogauge)
- (infos)
- )
- (P_Delete (tackon (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "Dokumentation") "icons" "req")
- ))
- ;*** Backup goodies
- ;***
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies") (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #destutil #destutildir))
- (dest (tackon #destback #destbackdir))
- (pattern "Goodies")
- (nogauge)
- (infos)
- )
- (P_Delete (tackon (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies") "icons" "req")
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure PreDeInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_PreDeInstall
- ;*** Create a scriptfile header
- ;***
- (run (cat "echo >t:csinstdelete.temp \";csinstdelete.temp - Temporary file - Do not edit or delete*n\""))
- (set match 0)
- ;*** Check for files to delete
- ;***
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (if (P_CheckExistsPat #destdevs #devspat) (set match (BITOR match 1))))
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (if (P_CheckExistsPat #destlibs (cat "~(" #vmcrsc "|~(" #libspat "))")) (set match (BITOR match 2))))
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "(Documentaion|Dokumentation)") (set match (BITOR match 4))))
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (if (P_CheckExistsPat (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies") (set match (BITOR match 8))))
- ;*** Delete libs files if available AND no isdn installed (ask expert user)!
- ;***
- (if (= 3 #instchoice) (
- (if (IN match 1) (
- (set isdninst (P_CheckExistsPat #destdevs #devsisdnpat))
- (if (<> 0 isdninst) (
- (if (IN match 4) (
- (if (> (getversion (tackon #destlibs #vmcrsc)) (getversion (tackon (tackon (pathonly @icon) "libs") #vmcrsc))) (
- (set delrsclib 0)
- (if (= 2 @user-level) (
- (set delrsclib
- (askbool
- (prompt #msgdelrsclib)
- (help (cat #msgdelrsclib @askbool-help))
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- ))
- (if (= 1 delrsclib) (P_DeleteConfirmFiles #destlibs #vmcrsc 0))
- ))
- ))
- ))
- ))
- ))
- ;*** Reset vmcresource flag
- ;***
- (set match (BITAND match 15))
- ;*** Found some?
- ;***
- (if (<> match 0 ) (
- (if (= 2 @user-level) (message #msgoldfilesexp) (message #msgoldfilesave))
- ;*** Delete devs files.
- ;***
- (if (IN match 0) (P_DeleteConfirmFiles #destdevs #devspat 0))
- ;*** Delete libs files.
- ;***
- (if (IN match 1) (P_DeleteConfirmFiles #destlibs #libspat 0))
- ;*** Delete dokumentation files.
- ;***
- (if (IN match 2) (P_DeleteConfirmFiles (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir) "(Documentation|Dokumentation)" 1))
- ;*** Delete goodie files.
- ;***
- (if (IN match 3) (P_DeleteConfirmFiles (tackon #destutil #destutildir) "Goodies" 1))
- ;*** Delete docs/goodies directory.
- ;***
- (P_DeleteConfirmFiles #destdocs #destdocsdir 1)
- (if (OR (<> #destdocs #destutil) (<> #destdocsdir #destutildir)) (
- (P_DeleteConfirmFiles #destutil #destutildir 1)
- ))
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure DeleteConfirmFiles
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_DeleteConfirmFiles p_dir p_pat p_isdir
- ;*** Reset all used vars.
- ;***
- (set cnt 0)
- (set defopt 0)
- (if (P_CheckExistsPat p_dir p_pat) (
- (foreach p_dir p_pat (
- (symbolset (cat "f" cnt) (tackon p_dir @each-name))
- (set defopt (BITOR defopt (shiftleft 1 cnt)))
- (set cnt (+ 1 cnt))
- (if (= 14 cnt) (
- (set usedopt (P_DeleteConfirmFiles2 defopt p_isdir f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13))
- (set cnt 0)
- (set defopt 0)
- ))
- ))
- (while (< cnt 14) (
- (symbolset (cat "f" cnt) "")
- (set cnt (+ 1 cnt))
- ))
- (set usedopt (P_DeleteConfirmFiles2 defopt p_isdir f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13))
- ))
- (set usedopt usedopt)
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure DeleteConfirmFiles2
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_DeleteConfirmFiles2 p_defopt p_isdir p_f0 p_f1 p_f2 p_f3 p_f4 p_f5 p_f6 p_f7 p_f8 p_f9 p_f10 p_f11 p_f12 p_f13
- (if (= 2 @user-level) (
- (set choice (
- (askoptions
- (prompt #msgoldfiles2)
- (help #msgoldfiles2 @askoptions-help)
- (choices p_f0 p_f1 p_f2 p_f3 p_f4 p_f5 p_f6 p_f7 p_f8 p_f9 p_f10 p_f11 p_f12 p_f13)
- (default p_defopt)
- )
- ))
- )
- (set choice p_defopt))
- (set cnt 0)
- (while (< cnt 14) (
- (if (IN choice cnt) (
- (set delfile (select cnt p_f0 p_f1 p_f2 p_f3 p_f4 p_f5 p_f6 p_f7 p_f8 p_f9 p_f10 p_f11 p_f12 p_f13))
- ;*** Append a delete command for each file/dir.
- ;***
- (if (<> 0 p_isdir )
- (run (cat "echo >>t:csinstdelete.temp \"delete " delfile " all\""))
- (run (cat "echo >>t:csinstdelete.temp \"delete " delfile "\""))
- )
- ))
- (set cnt (+ 1 cnt))
- ))
- (set choice choice)
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure DeInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_DeInstall
- ;*** Now REALLY delete the old files (script made by SetupInstall/PreDeInstall).
- ;***
- (if (<> 1 @pretend) (
- (execute "t:csinstdelete.temp")
- ))
- (P_Delete (tackon #destdevs "hyperIOVersion") "noicons" "noreq")
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure AfterInstall
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_AfterInstall
- (if (<> 3 #instchoice) (
- (if (<> 0 (P_CheckExists "sys:utilities/multiview"))
- (set mvpath "sys:utilities/multiview ")
- (if (<> 0 (P_CheckExists "sys:system/multiview"))
- (set mvpath "sys:system/multiview ")
- (if (<> 0 (P_CheckExists "sys:utilities/more"))
- (set mvpath "sys:utilities/more ")
- (if (<> 0 (P_CheckExists "sys:system/more"))
- (set mvpath "sys:system/more ")
- (set mvpath "echo >con: ")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= 1 (askbool
- (prompt #msgshowreadme)
- (default 1)
- (help (cat #msgshowreadme "\n\n" @askbool-help))))
- (run (cat mvpath (tackon (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir) #readmefile)) (safe))
- )
- (set tempuser @user-level)
- (user 2)
- (if (= 1 (askbool
- (prompt #msgreboot)
- (help (cat #msgreboot "\n\n" @askbool-help))
- (default 1)
- (choices #msgrebootyes #msgrebootno))) (
- (run (tackon (tackon #tempdir #tempinstdir) "reboot"))
- )
- )
- (user tempuser)
- (working #msgworkingcleanup)
- (if (= 0 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostUpdate)
- ))
- (if (= 1 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostNewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 2 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostNewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 3 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostNewInstall)
- ))
- ))
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Procedure Cleanup
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- (procedure P_Cleanup
- (if (= 0 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostUpdate)
- ))
- (if (= 1 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostNewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 2 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostNewInstall)
- ))
- (if (= 3 #instchoice) (
- (P_PostNewInstall)
- ))
- (delete "t:csinstcheckpat#?.temp")
- (delete "t:csinstdelete.temp")
- )
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** Entry point
- ;***************************************************************************************************
- ;*** No user should have a Installer version below 43.3!
- (if (< @installer-version 2818051) (
- (message #wronginstaller)
- (exit (quiet))
- ))
- (complete 0)
- (if (<> 1 #unarc ) (set #tempdir ""))
- (P_PreInstall)
- (complete 2)
- (welcome)
- (complete 4)
- (P_About)
- (if (P_CheckOldInst) (
- (complete 6)
- (P_CheckOS)
- (P_CheckCPU)
- (complete 8)
- (set ret 0)
- (while (= 0 ret) (
- (P_PrepareInstall)
- (complete 10)
- ;*** Ask for confirmation
- ;***
- (set ret (P_AskConfirmation))
- ))
- (complete 20)
- (P_SetupInstall)
- (complete 40)
- (P_DoInstall)
- (complete 90)
- (P_AfterInstall)
- (complete 100)
- (P_Cleanup)
- (if (<> 3 #instchoice) (
- (set msgend #msgendinst)
- (if (IN #instparts 0) (set msgend (cat msgend #msgconfirmdevsdest #destdevs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 1) (set msgend (cat msgend #msgconfirmlibsdest #destlibs)))
- (if (IN #instparts 2) (set msgend (cat msgend #msgconfirmdocsdest (tackon #destdocs #destdocsdir))))
- (if (IN #instparts 3) (set msgend (cat msgend #msgconfirmutildest (tackon #destutil #destdocsdir))))
- (if (= 2 #instchoice) (set msgend (cat msgend #msgconfirmbackdest (tackon #destback #destbackdir))))
- )
- (
- (set msgend #msgenddeinst)
- ))
- (exit msgend)
- ))
- (complete 100)
- (P_Cleanup)
- (exit #msgend2 (quiet))